K-squad, the 33 people I’ve been with the whole Race, is split into 5 different teams. WR organized us into these teams by prayerful consideration over the summer of 2024. We found out our teammates just a few days before training camp in August. Over the past 7 months, the members on the teams have (and will) never change, but we have done a few leader swaps to get to know all of the leaders better! We also have 4 other “honorary” k-squad leaders that have been stateside the whole Race. They support us through phone calls, text messages, hours of prayer, and visiting us at the end of each country to debrief. K-squad is my family and I will miss them dearly in 2 months 🙁
In training camp, we spent the first few days praying about our team names. Each team has truly lived up to the meaning behind their names. God ordained it all.
I love all of them so much and I could say so many things about each individual, but to spare you time, I’ll just share my favorite things about each person (except I went in to more detail for my team).
THE DOVES (my team)
A team of peace, safety, and comfort
Top (left to right):
Aubrey, Ashlyn, Cimmie, Me
Bottom (left to right):
Caryse, Natalia, Kayli (leader)
The Doves have truly become my best friends. I could talk about them for hours…and sometimes I do. The 7 of us have cried together, laughed so hard together, struggled together, prayed together, and so many more things. I wouldn’t trade any of them for all the riches in the world.
Aubrey is IN LOVE with the Word of God. She reads it day and night and is always searching to gain more Biblical wisdom. She is also the class clown of the group and she has made me laugh more times than I can count. She’s my comfort person and I never feel judged by her. I’m forever grateful for her and our friendship.
Ashlyn is so strong in the Lord. She came on the Race with a deep passion for God, and it has only grown deeper. She’s bold, an amazing public speaker, and someone who is constantly seeking new revelations from God. She’s my fellow blonde on the team and she’s like a sister to me. Just a few of her many talents are teaching kids, doing art, trying new things, and being an amazing friend.
Cimmie! I love her. She has the most tender heart in the world. She relates to people so deeply and provides comfort for others in the purest way. God has given her so many testimonies to share with others and she’s obedient and passionate about them. Like Aubrey, Cimmie is hilarious! Whether it’s doing fun dance moves or cracking a joke, she makes our team roll around in laughter.
(I had Natalia write this)
The best way to describe Abby is pure in heart! Abby strives to look more like Jesus with everything she has. She’s a Child of God through and through, and you can tell by just one interaction with her. She’s IN LOVE with her Heavenly Father, and carries his abounding joy, gentleness, and steadfast love in her wherever she goes. I just love her!!
(Awww thanks Nat 🙂
Caryse is one of my best friends. She has a wide open heart and has let God change her life in so many ways. Everyday Caryse looks for new ways to be more like Jesus- He is her idol and best friend and it’s evident. She’s so fun to be around because she just loves to laugh and have a good time. Along with being a great listener, she’s vulnerable with her feelings and is so quick to ask for advice and prayer.
Natalia is amazing! She has also had an open heart to let God move wherever He wills. She strives to be more like Him in every moment and I know this because she’s hungry for the word, jumps at every opportunity to serve, and just genuinely presses in to the ministry set before her. Nat has the kindest heart and is so calming to be around. And also, she has the prettiest smile and I swear she popped straight out of a magazine.
Last but by no means least, Kayli Holden, the leader of the Doves. Kayli has been an amazing role model for all of us. She genuinely loves us so much and it’s straight from an overflow of loving God. She shows us what it means to be someone that lays everything down to be closer to Jesus. The advice she gives us reflects Scripture so clearly and we can literally tell her anything. She’s the definition of peace. And she’s not just our leader, she’s our best friend.
🕊️love you guys!
A steady team
From left to right:
Sofia, Lily, Abi, Romy, Meghan, Anna, and Kait (their leader) is being held
Sofia- so smart, wise, and calm, and makes me laugh so hard
Lily- kind, generous, amazing with kids, silly, and beautiful
Abi- artsy, hilarious, eager to know God, and I love her name 😉
Romy- so fun to hang out with and loves Jesus a ton!
Meghan- carries Biblical wisdom and advice and watches out for her friends
Anna- I just love talking to her and being with her
Kait- knows the Bible inside and out and has an urgency in her heart to share the Gospel. She’s also crazy and fun!
The joyful team
Top (left to right):
Sophie, Esme, Libby (their leader), Clara, Abeni
Bottom (left to right):
Emilee, Ashley, Maggie-Claire (aka MC)
Sophie- confident, bold, a strong leader and a fun person
Esme- I’m not kidding when I say that she’s the funniest person I know. She’s also zealous for God
Libby- the definition of a joyful girl
Clara- the kindest soul and so pretty
Abeni- smart, honest, wildly creative, and dreams with the Lord
Emilee- peaceful yet crazy, holds Jesus so carefully in her heart
Ashley- one of my best friends. I call her Ash, or peanut (she’s tiny). Anyways Ash is so joyful and has a passionate heart.
MC- a bold leader and so wise
A strong team
Left to right:
Rose, Isabella, Hannah, Emily (leader), Ella, Jess, Aaliyah
Rose- fun to be around and persistent in ministry
Isabella- fun, energetic, joyful, confident, and a (very) proud Texan
Hannah- sees the beauty in everything and is so kind
Emily- my fellow Minnesotan who is relatable, so steady in God, and never misses an opportunity to share the Good News
Ella- a great teacher and relies on the Lord for strength
Jess- present in ministry and calm and comforting (we love our Canadian!)
Aaliyah- advice giver, listener, and a jokester
The boys
Left to right:
Jackson, JackBoone (their leader), Zack, Marshall
Jackson- leads our squad in having fun while growing closer to Jesus
JackBoone- steady, fun, and so easy to talk to
Zack- also one of my best friends. He hears God’s voice and obediently shares God’s words with others
Marshall- a man after God’s own heart who loves his friends so genuinely
I don’t have a picture of our leaders in the states but here’s who they are and what I love about them:
Alyssa is our squad mentor. She loves us so much and is always encouraging us to be more like the Father. Alyssa walks in high conviction and is always striving to be more holy as a group. She loves to have a good time and laugh, and I love being around her! She’s also a great listener and someone who deeply cares about everyone.
Drew is also our squad mentor but we can him our “man-tor.” We haven’t gotten to know him super well because he joined our squad halfway through the Race… but we love him! He’s super intentional with getting to know us and he loves God with his EVERYTHING!
Ellen and Andy Allen are our coaches. They carry so much Godly wisdom, and they never refrain from sharing it with us. They love us so much and encourage us in prayer daily!
K-squad, I love you family ❤️ i can’t even begin to imagine what the World Race would’ve been like if I was placed on a different squad. Thank you for pushing me to look more like Jesus everyday. Thank you for making me smile endlessly. And thank you for being my best friends. I love you Gap-K and dang it I’m gonna miss you 💛🌟🌻🌼🌕
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